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上一条: 水晶滴胶卡
关键词: 正力佳智能卡   水晶滴胶卡        



 Crystal epoxy card is made of PVC material, PET, the new RFID intelligent design can be processed into a variety of highly personalized card, can be printed in full color, appearance of clear and transparent, three-dimensional sense of strong. Crystal card size 25 x 40, 30 x 53 size (customizable), but with a hole (diameter 2-6mm), can use laser to burn code number. With dust, waterproof, anti vibration characteristics. Crystal epoxy card can be made into various shapes; waterproof, moisture-proof and easy to carry. Are widely used in the field of public transit time and attendance system, member management, commercial retail, schools and other radio frequency identification.

正力佳智能卡有限公司,专营 磁条卡 条码卡 感应卡 水晶滴胶卡 拉丝卡 异形卡 证照卡 金标卡 等业务,有意向的客户请咨询我们,联系电话:13808057558

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